
Result maker and coach

My name is Rita Valve and I am a change-maker, a coach, a professional board member, a startup investor, an artist and a citizen of the world.

I have always been driven by change and improvement, and in my field the big question is: how to get everyone on board with change?

No one can change you but yourself, and that applies to each and every culture. If you want to achieve changes and results, everyone involved has to understand the objectives and why they are important – and their own role in reaching the goal.

I have had the privilege of building great teams and working with extraordinary individuals, and I have seen them grow into top players in their field. With the right doers, right attitude and a bit of luck everything is possible.

Ever since I was young, I have been driven by curiosity and thirst for knowledge. One thing I’ve always had is energy, and my mother used to send me to stay with my grandma in the countryside, where there was plenty of space to run wild with cows, dogs, cats and hens. When I was a teenager, my father suggested I join a local football team. I loved the game, and the friends I made there were for life.

I’m a team player, and I’ve never overlooked the importance of a good team. Growing up, my dream was to become an architect, but as the child of entrepreneurs I ended up studying business.

I have had the honor of helping all kinds of organizations to develop and to make a profit. And every time I learn something new I know I’ll be able to put it to good use, sooner or later. Not to mention the friends I’ve made along the way, all over the world.

Rita Valve


  • M. Sc. in Economics, international marketing/business
  • Turnaround Management Consultant/
    T.M.A. Finland Ry
  • Certificate for professional board members
  • Certificate for social media in business environment
  • A secondary degree in Business and Administration